Custom Class Ring

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Custom class ring

                  Custom class ring is a timeless tradition that symbolize the journey and accomplishments of students throughout their high school and college years.Class rings serve as a lasting reminder of the memories, friendships, and achievements you made during these formative years.With a wide variety of styles and designs to choose from, there’s a class ring out there to suit everyone’s taste. When choosing a class ring, consider the type of metal, design, and fit. And remember, proper care and maintenance will ensure that your class ring lasts for many years to come. 

Signet Style Class Rings

              Signet style class rings feature a flat surface, called a bezel, which we engrave with a design or initials. We make these rings often of precious metals such as gold or silver. We offer a variety of customization options including school logo, crests, mascots, or other symbols. They serve as a symbol of achievement, such as graduating from high school or college. We make a signet style class ring by engraving a design on the bezel, and then setting it into the ring band. The traditional signet ring form provides a lighter and very wearable shape to showcase your school’s logo or crest. Some choose to embrace the signet tradition and reverse the design carving so it can leave an imprint in a wax seal.

Unique Class Ring Designs

Every ring we create is designed just for you, so you’re not limited to a few common styles. Make a subtle band you’re more likely to wear every day or a bold, sculptural statement that’s truly one-of-a-kind.

The Custom Experience


Discuss design ideas, options, budget, with our jewelry consultant – your guide to the custom experience.


See sketches and concept art designed just for you by our jewelry artists.


Visualize your piece with high resolution 3D renderings, and we’ll adjust every detail until you tell us it’s perfect.


Receive your custom piece, with the assurance it’s been made to wear and last a lifetime.

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